Mythical Creatures of Burma

Burmese Mythology and Mythical Creatures

It's not just in the Greeks mythology where animals were combined into a single form. Myanmars also have quite a few number of combined form of mythical creatures


<<< Pyinsa Rupa
It is a combination of 5 animals: elephant, bullock, horse, carp, and toenayar. Alternately lion, elephant, buffalo, carp, and hinthar.


Chin Thie (Lion) >>>
This is a Myanmar grotesque form of a mythical lion. Doe is still look like a lion to you? According to the legendary tales, lions are the best guards for religious shrines. You'll see statues of lions surrounds many pagodas in Myanmar.


<<< Kanenaree-Kanenarar
Very gentle mythical bird with human head and torso. Also is a symbol of true love. Kanenaree is a male. Kanenayar is a female. Kayar people believe that they decended from kaneree and kaneyars. These two are my favourite kind of creature
Galone >>>
Mythical king of birds. It has a peak, 2 wings, 2 hands, and 2 legs.


<<< Nagar (Dragon)
Mythical dragon or serpent without legs, which breath fire, and can turn things to ash just by a look.


Hinthar >>>
Brahminy duck


<<< Belu (Ogre)
This is just an illustration of the head of an ogre or an oriental gargoyle.
Mythical sea monster resembling a crocodile with a prehensile snout.


<<< Manote Thiha
Fabulous mythical creature with a man's torso and a lion's hindquarters, depicted in a squatting sposture on forked haunches.
So it has 6 legs. I wonder how it runs! =D
Sar Mayee>>>
A large long-haired wild or domesticated ox


<<< Toenayar or Nayar
Mythical dragon or serpent with 4 legs.

Source From Nyi Nyi Han